Here are copies of a few past publications and my musings about homeschooling.
Please let me know what other publications you would like to see posted here. PML
Shackling the Imagination: Education for Virtue in Plato and Rousseau
This link takes you to the journal site. The article is not so much about homeschooling,
but about the grand education planners who would replace parents as the first and best
teachers of their children.
Homeschooling Comes of Age
This is my copy of an article published in The Public Interest, 140:74—85 (2000).
which sadly after 40 years, has closed its doors. The archives are available through a
commercial vendor. My copy may not be be precisely the original published,
but I believe it is close.
- When Homeschoolers Go to School: A Partnership Between Families and Schools.
This was an early examination of a growing trend among public and private schools
to offer support and educational services to homeschoolers.
This article appeared in the Peabody Journal of Education,
established at Venderbilt University.
- Private Choices and Public Obligations
This is an older paper written while I was at the U.S. Department of Education.
I hope to bring it up to date soon.
It responds to criticism of homeschooling that claims it to be insular and undemocratic.
Musings: On homeschooling and homeschoolers